Monday, July 6, 2015

P2P File Sharing

The definition of file sharing is as simple as it sounds. It is transferring or distributing files through the Internet. These files can be anything from pictures and music to word documents. When you want to send large amounts of information it is best to use P2P file sharing, also known as peer-to-peer sharing.

P2P file sharing is directly sharing files through a network without a central server. Users  can use P2P software program to share files like games, movies, music, books, etc. The software can connect millions of computers at a time making it easy to share and download files. This makes file sharing very easy and convenient but a problem because it has led to piracy. The article “Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?” explains the growing problem of piracy. Pirate Bay and Rapidshare are two examples of file sharing services that people have taken advantage of and used for piracy. 


Next New

A new type of "new media" would be an app related to virtual worlds. This app would allowed the virtual world to connect with the actual world. The virtual world would received up-to-date news, weather, traffic, etc. The user is basically creating a virtual world base on their real life. The user can incorporate real-life scenarios into the virtual world. The virtual world can help the user deal with real-life scenarios before they actually encounter it. As a result, the user can handle different scenarios with different solutions.

Privacy & Confidentiality

New media has benefitted society in so many great ways but has also greatly challenged peoples’ privacy. Privacy and confidentiality are the biggest technological security concerns. With so many social networks and electronic devices asking for a lot of personal information and location it would be very easy for a criminal to steal someone’s identity. Just to sign up and create an account for some social networking sites, they require your address, email, phone number, birthday and other very personal information. Confidentiality becomes an issue because just by using a credit card at a store someone can hack into the system database and steal a customer’s personal information. This is a scary thought that many years ago people never even thought would be possible. Today people have to be cautious to what they post online because if something goes viral, virtually the whole world can view it. This can be detrimental to someone’s reputation. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment where an avatar are created to represent the user. People can use the virtual for gaming, entertainment or learning. For example, League of Legends, Minecraft, Second Life and TropicMind. In the virtual world, people can communicate with others and explore different scenarios. 

One of the pros of virtual worlds is that it allows the user to socialize with other people who shares a common interest. Virtual worlds also allow people to express their imagination. According to the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" Minecraft is a virtual world that allows kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others who also want to build and create things. It allows people to explore their creativity and share it with others. One of the cons of virtual worlds is that people who spend a lot of times in virtual worlds is escaping the real world. Other cons are the possibility of money laundering and safety of children in online worlds (The Washington Post).

Virtual worlds foster creativity by creating an environment that fits your need. According to the article "Avatar II: The Hospital" Dozens of hospital, medical schools and health foundations have stake out space in the online community Second Life, where participants can build their own virtual clinics and stage just about any training drill. With the creativity of virtual clinical, Nurses and doctors can explore different scenarios that they may face in real life. 

I think the future of virtual worlds can benefit us greatly. I believe that schools will incorporate virtual worlds in classes so students can discover and explore different scenarios in the real world. 


Creativity and New Media

In the game Second Life, I created an avatar who represent me in the game. In this 3D virtual world, I was able to chat and meet other peoples. In this virtual world, I was able to travel and explore numerous places. This game allows users to have a second life. Users can self-express by dressing up and design a new 3D of themselves.


Visiting the museum


New media fosters creativity by allowing users share their ideas on a platform. Then the company can use those ideas to improve their products. According to the article “ Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers” technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. People’s ideas are the base for new media. By sharing their ideas on the internet technology, companies can design new products accordingly to what the people want. Creativity is innovation that help create new media. Without creativity, there will be no new media.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Social Networking Sites

I created a Facebook when it seemed Myspace just died out back in 2007 and everyone switched to Facebook. I do not use Facebook as much as I use to. There is a lot of spamming from games and advertisements, leaving you with a lot of annoying notifications.  I mainly use it to stay connected with family and friends from out of state or in another country. Facebook is a social networking site that allows you to posts statuses, post your location, and post pictures. You can privately message people or publicly post on their wall. You can also tag people in pictures and videos.

I used Myspace a lot back in 2005 and 2006. Myspace allows you to share your interests in music and creativity by uploading music and customizing your page with html coding. It is more of a blog to share stories about yourself then connecting with friends. When I made a new account I found that there were a lot of changes made and I am just confused with the layout now. Facebook is a lot simpler and I feel it is more professional.

I made a twitter solely for the purpose of this assignment.  Twitter is a social networking site that is faster paced than Facebook. It enables people to send and receive messages that are limited to 140 characters.  I feel it is easier to stay informed with this networking site because of the fast pace. If you want to know trending topics from all around the world you can find hashtag and read what other people think about the topic. What I find very appealing is that you can actually communicate with celebrities.


I’ve been using Pinterest for about a year and a half now.  Pinterest is a social networking site that allows you to pick topics you are interested in. It then generates picture icons based on your interests. You can also search things you are interested in, favorite them, and organize them into your own categories. You can simply login with an email, Facebook or Twitter account.