Monday, June 29, 2015

Creativity and New Media

In the game Second Life, I created an avatar who represent me in the game. In this 3D virtual world, I was able to chat and meet other peoples. In this virtual world, I was able to travel and explore numerous places. This game allows users to have a second life. Users can self-express by dressing up and design a new 3D of themselves.


Visiting the museum


  1. I also created an avatar in Second Life! I had trouble updating the clothing however. Did you change up your outfit at all? The Museum locations looks really cool. I will have to check it out as well.

  2. Hi Mike,

    It's so cool that you were able to break the move, I couldn't get my avatar dance, or even walk properly. Just like Shirley I was having hard time updating my avatar's outfit. I believe that in order for me to be able to make big adjustment to my avatar I have to pay for the premium account. But cool snapshot

  3. I used to play Second Life a very very long time ago. It was a pretty cool experience. I remember when I used to play, the game was riddled with bugs and glitches. Is this still the case or have the developers polished it off now? Also , are there a lot of people still logging in these days?
