Monday, June 29, 2015

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment where an avatar are created to represent the user. People can use the virtual for gaming, entertainment or learning. For example, League of Legends, Minecraft, Second Life and TropicMind. In the virtual world, people can communicate with others and explore different scenarios. 

One of the pros of virtual worlds is that it allows the user to socialize with other people who shares a common interest. Virtual worlds also allow people to express their imagination. According to the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" Minecraft is a virtual world that allows kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others who also want to build and create things. It allows people to explore their creativity and share it with others. One of the cons of virtual worlds is that people who spend a lot of times in virtual worlds is escaping the real world. Other cons are the possibility of money laundering and safety of children in online worlds (The Washington Post).

Virtual worlds foster creativity by creating an environment that fits your need. According to the article "Avatar II: The Hospital" Dozens of hospital, medical schools and health foundations have stake out space in the online community Second Life, where participants can build their own virtual clinics and stage just about any training drill. With the creativity of virtual clinical, Nurses and doctors can explore different scenarios that they may face in real life. 

I think the future of virtual worlds can benefit us greatly. I believe that schools will incorporate virtual worlds in classes so students can discover and explore different scenarios in the real world. 



  1. Wow, this is a really well researched post. I agree with the advantages an disadvantages that you mentioned here about virtual worlds. I can see how schools can potentially use virtual world technology also, say for example, for history classes to make it more interactive.

  2. The articles I've read on the topic focused more on the social aspect of virtual worlds. I love how they can also be used in real work life situations! I was not aware that the medical industry was taking advantage of this to train for drills. Very interesting!

  3. There was also an article about how virtual worlds were being used in military training to help train them for combat stress and the environment soldiers were going to be deployed in. Someone even did the opposite and tweaked the world to help treat PTSD soldiers. Virtual worlds are already being used in many different ways and more ways will be discovered as time goes on.

  4. I find it interesting that you mentioned Minecraft here- it was a great example of a virtual world. It's not as popular to the mass media, but the average college student/gamer knows about it. I'm not as optimistic about virtual worlds being used in schools because it might be too distracting, but as long as they keep researching into the technology, it might happen.
